October & November News (okay, i suck, because i didn't update my news during these months, i just added some new graphics & stuff. but at least i've got some december news:)...) September News September 27th Happy Birthday Tom Braidwood!! Hope you have a great day:)! September 27, 2001 Well, aside from Tom Braidwood's birthday, and the associated merriment that's occurring tonite(the Braidwood Birthday Bunkerfest, happening on irc) there hasn't been much to report this past week. I (and several of my friends) recieved an autographed picture of Dean Haglund this week, which is pretty darn cool:) I'm posting it below. I'm also updating the UFG page (hopefully, I'll get that done today or tommorrow) with a few pics from the flea market adventure. I've been working fiendishly on some new LGM artwork this week, for a few projects that UFG is working on, and hopefully those'll get done over the weekend, and I'll most likely post some of that stuff too. On a related note, Mighty Ponygirl updated her site with some interesting info on the LGM comic, and she's got a fun little "Lone Gunmen Caption Fun" page on her site, where you add your own special caption to LGM screen grabs (use your imagination...;)Check it out below- Mighty Ponygirl's Page ***VCR ALERT*** The End Tuesday 9/18 at 7 PM FX Wednesday 9/19 at 1 AM FX September 18th, 2001 Well it's been a while since I've updated, but in light of all the stuff that's been going on, I think it's probably pretty understandable - in addition to the terrible tragedies at the WTC, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania last week, which have had me glued to the tv, I live in Florida, and we got hit with a tropical storm this weekend that left me without power... Several tidbits to report since I last updated the news on here. Firstly, the flea market petition drive went fairly well, with well over 60 signatures acquired during our visit. We felt we did pretty well, especially considering the fact that we got rained on and had to leave at around 2pm. A lot of people showed interest, so we hope that it helped get the word out there and perhaps made a few people think about the "corporate machine" that controls what we watch;) Next, anyone who was concerned as to the whereabouts/well-being of the Gunmen themselves in light of last week's events, Erynn reported on Topica they are safe and sound-- apparently Tom Braidwood, Bruce Harwood, et al. (I think Dean Haglund is currently living in LA) made the long drive back to Canada from LA (where they were working on filming XF eps), rather than waiting for a flight home. A big buzz has been made by a so-called reporter for the AP, who has listed "The Lone Gunmen" in an article about television shows that were pulled due to violent content or content similar in nature to what happened at the World Trade Center. As I'm sure most of you are aware, the Pilot episode of LGM was about an electronically hijacked plane that was going to collide with the WTC. Despite the similarities of the situation, it is *highly* unlikely that any sort of terrorist group derived their inspiration from that show, and, as we ALL know, LGM was not recently pulled because of the content of the pilot, it was pulled *months ago*, due to what Fox considered unsatisfactory ratings (even though LGM did better ratings-wise than a lot of Fox shows that are slated to come back next season- more info on this below), so this reporter certainly did not have his facts straight! The part of the article that discusses LGM is listed below (I know this article appeared in a number of papers on Wednesday, Sept. 12th, but unfortunately I don't have the name of the article or who wrote it, but as soon as I get that info I'll post it on here): "On one FOX drama just six months ago, the World Trade Center was threatened. The premiere of the series "The Lone Gunmen" featured a U.S. government plot to boost arm sales by crashing an airliner into one of the towers, then blaming terrorists. Scenes from the cockpit showed the struggle to disengage the plane's suicidally programmed navigational system. The plane managed to clear the tower by inches. "The Lone Gunmen" was quickly cancelled". A TV Guide campaign was started by PamalaX, who has recently dropped out of the LGM Campaign due to all of the nastiness that has been occuring on the message boards/ mailing lists, etc.(she mentions on TV Tome that she hopes to return to the campaign on October 13th if fan behavior has improved, etc.). However, I still think her idea for the TV Guide campaign is a good one. Just buy some copies of recent TV Guides, tear off the cover, and write "Bring Back 'The Lone Gunmen'" on it. You can also include any other pertinent information (i.e. your demographic information, name and address, why you liked the show, etc.). I'd also like to encourage you to send in some ratings info that was on TV Tome a week or so ago: "September 10, 2001-Gunmen showed in top 60 rated shows in the US. Thanks to PolFalcon on the Fox board for this find: According to Nielsen Ratings, the top 60 shows as listed in the USA TODAY, September 5, 2001. "The findings are based on the audience for the regular October 2000 to May 2001 season." Here is the list for the FOX Network: YOUNGER VIEWERS The Simpsons (27.8), Malcolm in the Middle (28.8), Grounded for Life (29.4), King of the Hill (29.5), Futurama (29.8) OLDER VIEWERS America's Most Wanted (42.3), Cops (41.4), Ally McBeal (38.7), Lone Gunmen (38.3), Boston Public (38.2) What this means, folks, is that the 13 eps of the Lone Gunmen beat out shows with full seasons this year, including some Fox shows that were renewed while the Gunmen were not!" Other than that, I haven't seen a lot of new info on the campaign, etc.- the entertainment industry has been sort of quiet after all of the news coverage that the disasters have recieved. **VCR ALERT** "En Ami" Tuesday, September 4th - 6pm FX Wednesday, September 5th - 1 am FX Tuesday, September 4, 2001 Well, I've got some cheers and some jeers today- cheers go out to Maggie S. for emailing me a big list of Gunmen appearances on FX that I wasn't aware of. Thanks Maggie! And now, jeers go out to the Disney Channel for listing the wrong "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" episode. The ep with Bruce Harwood and Dean Haglund actually did air this weekend, it just aired on Sunday instead of Saturday, and I didn't find out till it was too late. Blah! Oh well, so it goes... In a second set of jeers, FX has pushed the late nite reruns of "The X-Files" from midnight to 1 am, probably to make room for even longer episodes of everyone's favorite show "Son of the Beach", or perhaps some new episodes of "When Personal Grooming Appliances Attack, Part 4Gazillion", because as we all know, viewers just can't get enough footage of people being mauled by electric toothbrushes and the like <*sigh*>. Anyway, in the interest of Universal Balance, I need to give you some good news now, so I should mention that FX is airing "En Ami" tonight at 6pm and 1am- be sure to tune in, as this episode features the rather amusing "masters of disguise" clip. Enjoy!:) And lastly, I noticed today that the nice folks over at the TV Tome/Warehouse sites were kind enough to make mention of my site (the UFG page, in particular), and a few people even posted some nice comments about it. Gee whiz-thanks everyone <blush, blush>! August 30, 2001 Wow, August is almost over! Where has the month gone? Well, the Dead Drop Petition closes tommorrow, so go sign it if you haven't already! On a related note, my friend Amy is coordinating a snailmail petition. If you contact her, she'll send you a couple pages of her petition so you can collect signatures, and a S.A.S.E. so that you can mail it back to her for free! Drop her a line and let her know that you wanna help out (it don't cost nuthin'...): Email Amy For Details On The "Snail-Mail" Petition!
August News **VCR ALERT** First Person Shooter Thursday, Aug 30th - 06:00 PM FX Friday, Aug 31st - 12:00 AM FX August 30, 2001 Wow, August is almost over! Where has the month gone? Well, the Dead Drop Petition closes tommorrow, so go sign it if you haven't already! On a related note, my friend Amy is coordinating a snailmail petition. If you contact her, she'll send you a couple pages of her petition so you can collect signatures, and a S.A.S.E. so that you can mail it back to her for free! Drop her a line and let her know that you wanna help out (it don't cost nuthin'...): Email Amy For Details On The "Snail-Mail" Petition! And finally, "First Person Shooter" is scheduled to air tonight on FX at 6PM and midnight. August 28, 2001 Okay, I've been neglecting my webmistressing duties- many apologies for the delay in updating the news here, especially since several things have happened. First of all, the Chris Carter chat was for AOL members only (which sucks!!), so I was unable to check it out. However there's a transcript of it at the link below: Carter Chat Transcript He did make a few references to our guys, but unfortunately he didn't seem like he thought we were gonna get another season of the Gunmen. In yet another piece of disappointing news related to the chat, he also mentioned that the series cliffhanger from last season will not be resolved in it's own episode of "The X-Files". A brief reference will be made to it on the show, but Carter said that you'll have to pay attention to catch it. Blah! @##@%%^$^#^%$@#!! On a much happier note, the Gunmen are currently working on filming the first two episodes of Season 9 (hooray!). We can expect to see them assisting Agents Doggett and Reyes in solving a series of murders. AdamS reports on the TV Tome site that: "I know that the Gunmen filmed a scene where they meet Reyes last week. Regarding the spoilers on the main page, they are investigating more alien replicants (from the finale.) who have weird alien vertebrae (the "things" on their necks). One of these replicants, a new character played by Lucy Lawless, is drowning water plant workers." I'm interested to see how they interact with Reyes (especially Frohike!)... In addition to this cool news, Carter did mention that Millenium is being released on DVD, and that it was the result of many people writing letters requesting it's release on DVD. Even if we don't get another season right away (think positive thoughts, think positive thoughts!!), we can at least try to get a cool DVD of Season One, so keep writing FOX! On a related note, TV Tome posted a link to a site with advice for writing letters in support of a show- it's "written by Bjo Trimble about saving Star Trek, but the advice is excellent! For those of you writing letters and spreading the word about our boys, take a page from the woman who was the First Fan to save a SciFi show!" The advice really is helpful and it's interesting to see how Bjo went about her mail out campaign. The link is below: http://www.battlestarfanclub.com/bgarticle3.htm August 21, 2001 The Official X-Files site reports that Chris Carter will be doing an online chat on Thursday, August 23rd at 7 PM EST (4 PM PST). The link to the chat will be posted on the Official site sometime on Thursday. You can find more details at the link below. Chat with Chris Carter Also, I've got pics from the Orlando Gunfention. I'll be posting them later today on the UFG page, but in the meantime, check out the group shot from Denny's:) August 20th, 2001 Wow! I got the coolest thing in my mailbox this morning! Tom Braidwood (aka Frohike, as if you didn't already know that...) sent me the nicest letter and two great autographed pic's! How cool is that? :) I'm so impressed. Anyway, his letter was really sweet, as he mentioned how much he liked the magnets, and said "I know I can say that we all appreciate the effort" the fans are making to get LGM back on the air, and said to "let the fan base know they are doing a wonderful job." Pretty awesome, huh? Anyway, I scanned the pics, and they're posted below if you're interested in having a look at them. See? The guys really ARE paying attention to our efforts, and they appreciate what we're doing, so keep mailing stuff out to bring back the show! Don't give up!! August 19, 2001 Well, I'm back from the very first UFG "Gunfention", and I'm exhausted! We had a great time, and I hope to have a couple of cool pics to post in just a few days. I've also added the UFG page, but I haven't really had time to post anything there yet. I'll get it up & running here soon! **VCR Alert** Three Words Sunday, August 19th- 9pm Fox August 17th, 2001 Well, gang, it's Friday, and I've survived another week:) Ah, how I long for the days when we could anticipate a new episode of LGM on Fridays, but so it goes... Anyway, I haven't updated my news page for a couple of days, but I have added even more links to the "Related Links" page, and I'm still searching for *more* LGM sites- they'll be added as I get the time to do so. A couple cool projects have been going on this week, the first of which is the ever popular "I Want A LGM T-Shirt!" saga. The chances look good that we're gonna be able to get some t-shirts made, but details are still fuzzy at the moment. I sell advertising specialties (which includes stuff like imprinted t-shirts), so I'm checking into prices for them, and we're also looking at CafePress. CafePress is looking like a good option at the moment, as they have low minimums and they'll ship out individual orders (which saves some lucky person from becoming the LGM shipping warehouse central). I'll keep everyone posted as I get more details... The second really cool thing that's happening is the Orlando "Gunfention", which currently consists of myself, and Amyj and Peri. Okay, so it's not *really* a convention, it's more of a get-together. We're going to discuss plans for a Florida fan club (tentatively called the UFG, "United Floridian Gunfen") and the possibility of creating a regional southeastern fan club. Anyone located in Florida or neighboring states who's interested is welcome to drop me a line. We'll be planning future activities, maybe even a pseudo-convention at a theme park or something like that for later this year. It should be fun:) (Just as an aside, this weekend is the first time that Peri, Amy and I get to meet in person. We've spoken numerous times over the phone and via email, but it will be really cool to actually meet them in person, face to face!) Anyway, I won't be around this weekend to update, so you get your VCR watch early:) And I hope to have lotsa info on the UFG and related topics when I get back! August 11, 2001 Well, I've been working hard on compiling a really comprehensive list of LGM sites for my "Related Links" page. I hope to have it mostly complete and posted by next week (I'm not making any promises, tho, it's really time- consuming...). But if you don't see your favorite LGM site listed, please let me know! I've also added an "Other Cool Stuff" page, which, when complete, will be filled with lots of fun things to play with, including multi-media files, links to LGM-related topics (i.e. hacking, conspiracies, etc.), games, and slideshows (by the way, the slideshow that's there right now is not very good, as I'm the one who created it, but it's my first one, so just pretend that you like it anyway). If you've got anything you'd like to add, please let me know; I'd love to put it up, and I'll be sure to give you credit for it! I'm in the process of tweaking some other stuff on the site, so just poke around a bit and you might notice a few little changes here and there on the other pages. I'm also making a banner for anyone who might want to link to me. 08/10/01 VCR ALERT! Field Trip airs tonite on FX at 6pm and again at midnight. 08/09/01 VCR ALERT! Three of a Kind airs tonite on FX at 6pm and again at midnight. August 9, 2001 Okay, lotsa stuff has been updated! I've got some new addresses on the "Mail Ambush" page, and several new websites on my "Links" page. I've also added some art and I moved my "Postcard" page so it's easier to view. By the way, today is Gillian Anderson's birthday- Happy Birthday, Gillian! Hope you have a great day! :) August 8, 2001 Wow, again, real life has infringed upon my web upkeep, and it's been a while since I've added to the news here! Well, quite a few tihngs are going on at the moment, the most important of which is the creation of G.U.S.T.O. (Gunfen United Surveillance and Tango Organization), which will be a sort of online Gunfen fanclub. This is (of course) a plan spearheaded by those lovely folks over at TV Tome, Pyrts in particular. She's got a big post about it over at the new "Project LGM" message board- you can check it out at the link below: "Project LGM" August 7, 2001 Happy Birthday, David Duchovny- Have a Great Day!
July's News July 28, 2001 Mmmmkay... apparently the Delphi chat did not go well last nite, so the Luau chat has been moved back to irc, so the Luau page info is now correct (again). So do what the Luau page tells you to do when you get ready to chat tommorrow July 27, 2001 Well, just in case you're wondering, the Luau chat has been moved from irc to delphi. The luau page hasn't been updated yet with this info, but I got an email on the Topica list saying that they're moving the chat to keep from overloading the irc server. There's practice chat on delphi tonite. Details are below: "There will be a practice chat tonight (Friday) from about 9:30 CST to midnight. To get to the chat, go to Delphi (http://www.delphi.com) In the RIGHT side column, under the "create your own forum" box is a "Now on Delphi.com Chat bar. Click on the link under that. Look for the active chat, "Gunfen"." By the way, the link to the Dark Horse comic book site is here <http://www.darkhorse.com/lone_gunmen_.html> July 25, 2001 Just received this message from Pyrts on the Topica LGM Board- Erynn got this in email from Scott Allie, who edited the Lone Gunmen comic: " We're overwhelmed with the response, and we were really happy with the comic. Obviously the show's cancellation takes away the marketing angle on doing more comics, but if we could get the same creative team and keep the readers, we'd be interested in another one. We have to talk to Fox about it, but the fact that the characters will be back on the X-Files is a little encouraging." So let's keep those emails going in to Dark Horse (eek! I ought to have their email address posted here, but I don't! I'll try to post it tommorrow after work, when I'm more awake [it's 3am here...]!), maybe Fox will pick up on the response that Dark Horse had with the comic and make some adjustments to their fall schedule <*crosses fingers*>... July 24, 2001 Sorry I haven't updated for a few days-- "real life" has been hectic... Well, despite what the FX site says, E.B.E. doesn't look like it's going to air tonight- I checked the Tv Guide site and they've got "The Rain King" listed as the X-files ep for tonite. You might wanna check anyway, but something tells me the TV Guide site is correct. July 17, 2001 Well, firstly, I have a HUGE post on my home page about the magnet campaign- please take a minute and read it, if you haven't already-- we need your help to make this campaign work Secondly, the Fox Forum has some really interesting LGM polls right now (you guys have gotta check this forum out if you haven't already- there are TONS of gunmen posts!). Supposedly, the point of the Fox Forum is to give us, the viewers, a voice in what happens on the network, but whether this is true or not remains to be seen... but it's worth a shot, so go to the forum, vote, add a post, etc.- every litlle bit helps support our show! And remember, "you catch more flies with honey...," so try and keep your posts on the friendly side. A lot of the posts on there are really slamming Fox, and I don't think that's the route we want to take to get Fox to bring back our show... Fox Forum <http://www.delphi.com/foxshows/start Finally, "The End" is scheduled to play on FX tommorrow at 6 and midnight- don't forget to watch! July, 15, 2001 I've updated the addresses on the mail ambush to include some trade publications and entertainment magazines. Let's get some national attention! Don't forget to set your VCR's-- "Blood" is on tonite on Fox (the 11pm rerun, NOT the regular 9pm rerun), and "The End" is scheduled for this Wednesday on FX July 14, 2001 Pyrts, one of the ed's over at TV Tome/The Warehouse, created yet another Eeevil Fandom Plan-- she's created a "Langly Birthday Luau". It'll be a online chat on Sunday, July 29th, a Gunfen "virtual party", if you will... so check out the link below, and plan on being there!! <http://lonegunmen.furvect.com/luau/luau0.htm By the way, we should have magnets on MONDAY!! WooHoo- I can't wait to see 'em. So we'll start mailing them out this week- I'm psyched! July 13, 2001 Well, some people over at the TV Tome message board have put up some new addresses for us to "mail ambush"- I'll have them posted by Sunday. They're for trade magazines, and entertainment magazines-- we gotta get some national attention for our campaign! July 10, 2001 Rumors have been popping up on the Topica listserve that the SciFi network is considering picking up the re-runs of "The Lone Gunmen", but so far I haven't been able to find any solid evidence about this. If anyone has any info on this possible development, please let me know. And of course, I'm keeping my eyes peeled! On an interesting note, a couple of messages have popped up on the TV Tome LGM Viewer Comments Board from someone using the nick "Funsten" (which was Byers' pseudonym in "Three of a Kind"). Funsten claims to know that the cast and/or crew are keeping tabs on all the viewer response and all the work we're doing to get the show back on the air. Today's post from Funsten listed several Save The Lone Gunmen sites that have supposedly been viewed by our favorite people... "Just so you know we're paying attention, here's a list of some of the sites visited...We cruise around pretty much every day and will continue to do so. Take care all..." Check out the message board and see for yourself, the sites are listed there, along with some other pertinent info- including a message about a possible "Margaritaville Gunfention" in 2002!: http://www.tvtome.com/servlets/RawServlet/showid-38/epid-0/moduleid-34 There's also a great photo of the cast and crew at the Haven. I've posted in below with the link to the site. Thanks for giving us such a great pic, guys! <http://www.idealistshaven.com/havennews/foxgunmen1.jpg July 7th, 2001 Well, I've been checking with TV Guide, etc., and it's looking like Fox has pulled the LGM reruns (the one that was scheduled for the 13th is definitely cancelled <*sigh*>). However, I did find this interesting tidbit on the RoadRunners site: "Good news for Canadians on the west coast - The Lone Gunmen will re-run Tuesday nights at 8pm PT starting July 17th on BCTV (Vancouver - other cities check local listings). I've emailed FOX about The Lone Gunmen re-runs, but haven't received a reply yet..." Is this an indicator of things yet to pass (a second season, perhaps)?.